Name, constitution, headquarters, scope and purpose

Article 1

1 – The Portuguese Confederation of Culture, Recreation and Sports Associations, hereinafter referred to as CPCCRD, resulted from the transformation of the Federação Portuguesa das Colectividades de Cultura e Recreio, founded on 31 May 1924, and has an unlimited lifetime.

2 – The CPCCRD is a non-profit association that represents collectives or other cultural, recreational and sports associations, and has its headquarters at Rua da Palma, 248, parish of Santa Maria Maior, municipality of Lisbon.

3 – The CPCCRD shall be composed of an unlimited number of collectives or other associations engaged in cultural, recreational or sports activities.

4 – The CPCCRD is governed by the legal provisions in force, by the present Statutes and by the General Internal Regulation, and its action is developed throughout the national territory and also abroad.

Article 2

The object of the CPCCRD is:

  1. To represent the associative movement of popular origin, whose activities are developed in the areas of culture, recreation and sports;
  2. To strengthen association membership, so that the collectives improve their position and level of recognition;
  3. To encourage the regularisation of collectives and other associations dedicated to culture, recreation and sport;
  4. To define projects of common interest and forms of joint action by the associative movement as a whole, as well as to create support structures to make these projects a reality;
  5. To promote, develop and disseminate the values of associations;
  6. To promote actions for Peace and Solidarity among Peoples;
  7. To promote, participate in and sponsor regional, national and international meetings;
  8. To promote training, seminars and meetings to train leaders and other activists
  9. To hold National Congresses for Collectives, Associations and Clubs, open to all associations in the country, in the areas of culture, recreation and sports, as well as Regional Congresses;
  10. To promote associative services aimed at improving the living conditions of the population.

Article 3

To pursue its goals, the CPCCRD may establish partnerships with a view to obtain the support necessary from public and private entities.

Article 4

The CPCCRD shall establish and maintain institutional relations with all national and international Organisations, Federations or Confederations whose activities fall within its scope.


The associates

Article 5

1 – The associates of the CPCCRD are divided into the following categories:

  1. Effective
  2. Merit
  3. Fees

2 – All collectives and other associations, regardless of the country in which they are based, are full members.

3 – Merit members are those who, due to their acknowledged merit in providing relevant services to the CPCCRD, are considered worthy of this distinction by the Congress, upon proposal by the Board or by at least 51 full members in the full enjoyment of their rights.

4 – Honorary members are those individuals or entities that have rendered services of recognised value in the field of culture, recreation and sports, or to the associative movement of popular origin, provided that this distinction is attributed by deliberation of the Congress, through a proposal by the Board, or by at least 51 full members in the full enjoyment of their rights.

Article 6

The representation of the associates in the CPCCRD is made through a permanent or substitute delegate, or duly accredited representative

Article 7

The duties of the associates are:

  1. To comply with all the provisions of this Statute, the General Internal Regulation and other regulations, as well as the deliberations of the Congress;
  2. To participate and collaborate in the activities promoted by the CPCCRD;
  3. To pay to the CPCCRD an annual membership fee of a minimum amount to be determined by Congress;
  4. To communicate to the CPCCRD the constitution of its governing bodies and the identity of its delegates or representatives, as well as any change of headquarters or other facilities;
  5. To communicate to the CPCCRD the most important initiatives in the areas of culture, recreation and sports.

Article 8

The rights of the associates are:

  1. To nominate, elect and be elected to the CPCCRD Governing Bodies, as well as to any missions that the Congress may determine;
  2. To receive a diploma as proof of membership, a membership card and the Confederation flag;
  3. To receive annually a copy of the Management Report and Accounts and the previous year´s Report of the Finance Committee and the Plan of Activities and Budget for the following year, as well as publications edited by the CPCCRD;
  4. To participate in Congress meetings in accordance with the statutes;
  5. To participate in all CPCCRD activities, when in full use of their rights;
  6. To propose new activities to the Board, and relative action to be taken;
  7. To complain about any acts they consider harmful to their rights or those of the CPCCRD.

Article 9

Members may be administratively excluded, by decision of the Board of Directors, after being notified, if they are more than three years in arrears in the payment of their contributions.


Governing Bodies

Article 10

The Governing Bodies of the CPCCRD are:

  1. Congress
  2. National Council
  3. Board of Directors
  4. Finance Committee
  5. Compliance Committee

Article 11

1 – The positions on the CPCCRD Governing Bodies shall be held by duly accredited delegates or representatives of the full members.

2 – The Governing Bodies´ term of office shall be four years and shall fall upon of age individuals in the full enjoyment of their civic rights.

3 – The election of the Governing Bodies may only fall upon members who have been permanent members for at least one year and are not on administrative commission.

4 – No full member shall simultaneously hold more than one office in the CPCCRD Governing Bodies.

5 – The representatives designated by the members elected to the CPCCRD Governing Bodies may only be replaced in justified cases.

6 – The members of the CPCCRD Governing Bodies exercise their office free of charge.


The Congress

Article 12

1 – The Congress is composed of all full members in the full enjoyment of their rights.

2 – Each individual can only represent one associate.

3 – Members have the right to one vote each.

4 – Voting by post is not permitted.

Article 13

The Congress is considered legally constituted with the presence of an absolute majority of the full members at the appointed time.

Article 14

Notifications of convocation shall be made by the Chairperson of the Congress Bureau and by the Chairperson of the Board at least thirty days before the date set for the Congress, by post or e-mail, and by publication in a national newspaper.

Article 15

The deliberations of the Congress are valid when taken by an absolute majority of the members present, with the exception of qualified majorities required by Law or the Statutes.

Article 16

Congress shall ordinarily meet every four years, by 31 March, to elect the Governing Bodies and approve the strategic options for the four-year period.

Article 17

Congress shall meet in extraordinary sessions: 

  1. a) By initiative of the Chairperson of the Congress Bureau;
  2. b) At the request of the National Council;
  3. c) At the request of the Board;
  4. d) At the request of the Finance Committee;
  5. e) At the request of fifty-one full members in the full enjoyment of their rights, who shall indicate the grounds for convoking the Congress; in this case, however, the presence of at least two-thirds of the applicants is mandatory for the Congress to take place.


The Congress Bureau

Article 18

The Congress Bureau is composed of:

  1. a) A Chairperson
  2. b) A Vice Chairperson
  3. c) A First Secretary
  4. d) A Second Secretary
  5. e) A Third Secretary


The National Council

Article 19

1 – The National Council is a deliberative body, composed of 51 elected affiliates, in full enjoyment of their rights, by chairpersons of the Decentralized Structures, inherently, under the terms of the General Internal Regulations, and directed by the Congress Bureau, into which it is incorporated.

2 – The National Council:

  1. Discusses and votes on the proposals of the Plan of Activities and Budget;
  2. Discusses and votes on the Balance Sheet, the Management Report and Accounts and acknowledges the Report of the Finance Committee;
  3. Approves and amends the General Internal Regulations and other regulations;
  4. Draws up and approves its Rules of Procedure;
  5. Approves Membership Resolutions;
  6. Represents the CPCCRD when invited by the Board;
  7. Debates and analyses the national associative status quo, being that this analysis should serve to guide the work to be developed by the CPCCRD at county, district, regional and national level;
  8. Supports and stimulates the creation of other Decentralized Structures, in order to consolidate the national associative structure.

3 – The Board, the Finance Committee and the Compliance Committee shall participate in the meetings of the National Council without the right to vote.

Article 20

The National Council shall meet in extraordinary sessions:

  1. a) By initiative of the Chairperson of the Congress Bureau;
  2. b) At the request of the Board;
  3. c) At the request of the Finance Committee;
  4. d) At the request of the Compliance Committee;
  5. e) At the request of fifty-one per cent of its members in the full enjoyment of their rights, who shall state the grounds for calling the meeting; in this case, however, the presence of at least two thirds of the applicants shall be compulsory for the National Council to meet.

Article 21

Notices of convocation are issued by the Chairperson of the Congress Bureau and by the Chairperson of the Board at least thirty days prior to the date set for the National Council, by post or e-mail.


The Board of Directors

Article 22

The Board is composed of:

  1. a) A Chairperson
  2. b) Five Vice-Chairpersons
  3. c) A Secretary
  4. e) A Treasurer
  5. f) Five Voting Members

Article 23

1 – The Board of Directors of the CPCCRD shall exercise the powers provided in the Law, the Statutes and the General Internal Regulations.

2 – The Board shall operate in the manner established in Article 171 of the Civil Code.

Article 24

1 – Whenever a member of the Board of Directors leaves office or resigns, the Board shall be competent to call a duly accredited representative of the relevant associate.

2 – Five consecutive or ten alternate meetings without justifiable reason shall be considered to be abandonment of office.

3 – If the member themselves leaves office or resigns, the Board shall propose to the National Council that they be replaced.

4 – The competence referred to in the preceding paragraph may only be exercised up to twice during a term of office.

Article 25

The Board of Directors may appoint or dismiss, under its responsibility, commissions to carry out studies and occasional tasks, as well as invite representatives of members to assist it in the daily work of the CPCCRD.

Article 26

1 – The CPCCRD is bound by the joint signatures of the Chairperson and the Treasurer, and either of them, in case of absence or impediment, may be replaced by a Vice-Chairperson designated by the Board

2 – In cases of mere expedience, the signature of any member of the Board shall be sufficient.


The Finance Committee

Article 27

The Finance Committee is composed of:

  1. a) A Chairperson
  2. b) A Secretary
  3. c) A Rapporteur
  4. d) Two alternates

Article 28

1 – The Finance Committee of the CPCCRD shall exercise the powers provided in the Law, the Statutes and the General Internal Regulations.

2 – The modus operandi of the Finance Committee is that established in article 171 of the Civil Code.


The Compliance Committee

Article 29

The Compliance Committee is composed of:

  1. a) A Chairperson
  2. b) A Secretary
  3. c) A Rapporteur

Article 30

1 – The mission of the Compliance Committee is to cultivate and promote the fundamental principles of the Popular Associative Movement, based on ethical and traditional values.

2 – The Compliance Committee:

  1. Draws up and approves its Rules of Procedure;
  2. Issues opinions on the General Internal Regulations, interprets and proposes the resolution of omissions;
  3. Verifies, at the request of the Board, the compliance of the Statutes, the social object and the non-profit nature of the associations applying for membership, with the Statutes and the General Internal Regulations of the CPCCRD;
  4. Promotes the practice of association ethics among all members of the governing bodies, prevents and corrects deviations;
  5. Prepares advice that may be requested by the Board, the Finance Committee, the Congress Bureau or the National Council;
  6. Mediates institutional and competence conflicts between governing bodies and structures;
  7. Exercises other powers attributed by the General Internal Regulations.

3 – The meetings of the Jurisdictional Committee shall be convened by its chairperson, either on their own initiative or at the request of the Board or the Finance Committee.


Decentralized Structures

Article 31

1 – The CPCCRD is an associative structure of national scope based on regional, district or county structures, designated as Federations and Associations, in accordance with the General Internal Regulations.

2 – The Decentralized Structures may represent the CPCCRD by invitation of the Board.

3 – In counties where there is no Council of Associations, Link Associations may be designated by invitation of the Board.

Article 32

1 – The Regional Federations, District Federations and County Associations have as their mission the coordination, promotion and stimulation of the activities of full members and the Popular Associative Movement, in collaboration with the Governing Bodies of the CPCCRD.

2 – The national, regional, district and county structures shall maintain and strengthen the principle of associative autonomy and institutional relations among themselves and with each other, through cooperation indicators defined by the General Internal Regulations.

Article 33

The Regional Federations, District Federations and County Associations will be created by initiative of the associations or the CPCCRD, governed by their own Statutes, in accordance with its Statutes and General Internal Regulations.

Article 34

1 – The financial sustainability of the entire confederative associative structure is based on regular payment of the annual fee defined by Congress.

2 – The collection of membership fees is the responsibility of the regional, district and county structures, where they exist, in accordance with the General Internal Regulations.


3 – Collecting dues from members without a structure, or where the execution referred to in the previous number is omitted, shall be the responsibility of the Confederation Directorate, under the terms of the General Internal Regulations.


Income and Expenditure

Article 35

1 – To fulfil its mission, the CPCCRD has funds constituted by the following revenues:

  1. Ordinary: member contributions, income from its own assets, income from assets bequeathed or donated or in usufruct;
  2. Extraordinary: official or private subsidies, proceeds from festivals or other events and any other legally authorised income.

2 – Expenses are those resulting from the exercise of its activities in compliance with the Statutes, the General Internal Regulations and the provisions imposed by law.



Article 36

1 – The assets of the CPCCRD are its universal property.

2 – The following are also part of the assets of the CPCCRD:

  1. The real estate that it acquires, that is donated to it or any income that it may enjoy;
  2. All the distinctions already granted and others that may be awarded;
  3. The entire documental and museological collection;
  4. All its registered intangible assets.


Rewards and Distinctions

Chapter 37

To reward good service, dedication and associative, sporting or cultural merit, the CPCCRD shall award prizes or distinctions, in accordance with the provisions of the General Internal Regulations.



Article 38

1 – The CPCCRD has the following insignia and symbols:

  1. An Emblem
  2. A Flag
  3. A Banner
  4. A Hymn

2 – The emblem shall consist of a golden armillary sphere, charged in abyss with a five-rayed star in green, surrounded by a circular strip of gold with the following characters in black: Portuguese Confederation of Culture, Recreation and Sports Associations, flanked by two golden olive branches tied at the top by two green and red bows.

3 – The Flag has a rectangular shape in a green field with a silver band, with the CPCCRD emblem in the centre, having on the front the words CONFEDERAÇÃO PORTUGUESA DAS COLECTIVIDADES in black and on the back the words CULTURA, RECREIO E DESPORTO

4 – The Banner is square with a green silk front, embroidered with the CPCCRD Emblem in gold in the centre and the words CONFEDERAÇÃO PORTUGUESA DAS COLECTIVIDADES and CULTURA, RECREIO E DESPORTO in the foreground, embroidered in gold. The back is made of white silk. The Banner is edged with a golden cord, with two golden tassels hanging at the side of the pole.

5 – The CPCCRD’s Hymn is titled “Ideal Associative”


Discipline and Penalties

Article 39

1 – The Associations, entities or persons statutorily subordinated to the CPCCRD that violate the present Statutes or the General Internal Regulations are subject to the following penalties:

  1. a) Warning;
  2. b) Recorded reprimand;
  3. c) Suspension up to six months;
  4. d) Suspension for more than six months;
  5. e) Expulsion.

2 – The Board of Directors of the CPCCRD shall be competent to apply the penalties in points a), b) and c) of the preceding paragraph.

3 – The penalty in point d) of paragraph 1 is the responsibility of the National Council of the CPCCRD, at the proposal of the Board.

4 – The penalty in point e) of paragraph 1 shall be executed by the Congress of the CPCCRD, at the proposal of the Board and after hearing by the Compliance Committee.

5 – When the offence is committed by any member of the CPCCRD Governing Bodies, only Congress may decide on the penalty to be applied and the offender shall be suspended from duties until the final decision.

6 – Penalised offenders may not hold any position on the CPCCRD Governing Bodies for the duration of the sanction.

Article 40

The application of the penalties in points c), d) and e) of paragraph 1 of the preceding article shall always be subject to the setting up of an enquiry

Article 41

1 – The decisions of the Board of the CPCCRD may be appealed to the National Council.

2 – The decisions of the National Council may be appealed to the Congress.



Article 42

1 – Dissolution of the CPCCRD may only be decided upon at an Extraordinary Congress specially convened for that purpose.

2 – Deliberation on dissolution requires the favourable vote of three quarters of all members.

3 – In case of dissolution, the Congress shall be responsible for deciding on the destination of assets as well as for electing a winding-up committee. The powers of this committee shall be limited to the practice of conservatorship and to those necessary for the liquidation of the company’s assets or for the completion of pending business.


General Provisions

Article 43

1 – Deliberation on changes to the statutes is the responsibility of Congress, which requires the favourable vote of three quarters of the members present.

2 – Cases not covered by these Statutes shall be resolved by Congress.

3 – The General Internal Regulations of the CPCCRD shall supplement the provisions of these Statutes.


Final and Transitional Provisions

Article 44

In the period between the legalisation of these amendments to the Statutes and the election of the CPCCRD’s governing bodies, the current members of the Congress Bureau, the National Council, the Board and the Finance Committee will remain in office, and will convene Congress for the elections for new governing bodies and approval of the strategic options for the term of office, as well as giving office to the newly elected, which should take place by 23 July 2022


These statutes were approved at the Congress of the Portuguese Confederation of Culture, Recreation and Sports Associations held on 26 March 2022, and amend the statutes approved at the General Assemblies of the Portuguese Federation of Culture and Recreation Associations held on 22 March 2003, 5 April 2003 and 12 April 2003, which transformed the Federation into a Confederation.


Congress Bureau


Francisco Barbosa da Costa – Chairperson      ________________________


Laurinda de Sousa Figueiras – Vice-Chairperson________________________


Maria João Santos – Secretary                            _________________________

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