Capacitação PO ISE 288 – English

1.1 Introduction

With this document the Portuguese Confederation of Culture, Recreation and Sports Associations – CPCCRD, presents its application to the Call under Notice No. POISE – 39-2017-12, typology 3.36 Institutional Capacity Building of Social Economy Partners Members of the National Council of the Social Economy (CNES) of Portugal 2020.

It should be noted that the budget restrictions imposed in Phase I of the Capacity-building Project led to the adjustment of human and technological resources and the redefinition of the objectives. Which translated into:

  1. Reduced project execution time. Initially planned for 3 years 2015-2017, the application was approved in 2016 and activities started in November.
  2. Reduction in the number of human resources and the hours of work to be contracted per worker.
  3. Reduction of investment in Training.
  4. Reduced investment in the project evaluation activity.
  5. Reduced investment for the development of the database in web technology.
  6. Reduction of investment in the framework of creating the conditions for networking (MAP Platform).
  7. Reduction of investment in actions promoting innovation and entrepreneurship (MAP Platform).
  8. Reduction of investment in actions enabling the exchange of experience and dissemination in the Social Economy.

In the light of the above, the objectives initially foreseen will be continued in Phase II with changes arising from the dynamics and learning of Phase I.

With this project, the CPCCRD intends to continue the Capacity-building of its Elected Voluntary Associative Leaders – DAVEs, started in November 2016, under Notice No. POISE-39-2015-02, but also extending its sphere of intervention to the LINK Associations.

Thus, in Phase II, the universe of DAVEs eligible for Capacity Building will be made up of

  1. Governing Bodies of the CPCCRD:
  2. Congress Bureau;
  3. Executive Management;
  4. National Directorate;
  5. Finance Committee;
  6. National Council.
  7. Federations.
  8. District Associations.
  9. County Associations.
  10. LINK associations.

All materials to be produced both physically and digitally, as well as all face-to-face or virtual activities will contain explicit references to the funding entities (i.e., EU/POISE/CASES/OE) through their logos and graphic identities and according to their respective user manuals.

This is an ambitious, difficult and demanding, but feasible project, which involves the implementation of different activities from North to South in mainland Portugal. From the implementation of various Offices with Service Hubs; decentralised information, promotion and awareness-raising campaigns that reach out to Affiliates and non-Affiliates; training courses scheduled at different times and, whenever necessary, held outside densely-populated areas, to the development of advanced technological tools capable of facilitating communication, dematerialising the organisation’s administrative and bureaucratic processes and supporting/encouraging networking. In light of the above, in the years 2018, 2019 and 2020, the initiatives to be realised will be significant and transformative.

The DAVEs, as agents of social change, know the importance that Capacity Building has for the future of the Popular Association Movement (MAP), and therefore propose to reinforce the commitment and engagement for the implementation of this Phase II of the project.

1.2 Planned Activities

The activities that are part of this project are:

  1. Offices with Social Economy Service Hubs
  2. Introducing, Raising Awareness, Sharing, Promoting and Informing – ASSOCIATIONS
  3. Evaluation and Project Impact Survey
  4. MAP Platform – Sustainability and Innovation through Fundraising and In-kind Donation and Social Economy Agenda.
  5. International Community of the Association Movement (CIMAP)
  6. Innovation and Modernisation through ICT for CPCCRD Capacity-building
  7. Training Offices
  8. Training DAVEs

These activities include various actions, which are detailed in this Descriptive Document and the relative points.

1.3 Main Calculation Method

For Phase II of the Project, the CPCCRD has chosen as the method of calculation for the funding of all activities, with regard to the personnel heading, the accounting of the respective working hours, namely:

Working hours

____________________________________________________ x 100

Total working hours for the duration of the project


In the specific case of equipment and materials, the imputation key will be taken as the method of calculation:


Hours of use

____________________________________________________ x 100

Total hours of use


Whenever necessary, the calculation methods best suited to the respective situations will be applied and duly justified.

1.4 Objectives to be achieved:

Participation of at least 20% of the approximately 450 CPCCRD DAVEs in the activities

Of these, 75% should consider the impact of the activities to be satisfactory.

  1. Evidence of innovation, modernisation and dematerialisation of CPCCRD
  2. Evidence of increased visibility of the CPCCRD.
  3. Evidence of the dynamism of proximity culture practices.
  4. Evidence of an increase in access to the MAP Platform and networking practices.
  5. Evidence of increase and diversification of partnerships with organisations that are part of the MAP Movement, local authorities, companies from various sectors, schools and the media.
  6. Evidence of the promotion of dialogue and cooperation between senior leaders and future young leaders, with a view to transferring knowledge and skills.
  7. Evidence of the promotion of practices that create sustainability.
  8. Evidence of an increase in the number of female managers.


1.5 Resources and Contracting

The Project Team (Heading 1 – Internal and external staff) includes permanent internal CPCCRD staff, technicians to be contracted for the Offices and DAVEs, related travel, as well as legal, accounting and recruitment services.

External service provision contracts for the implementation of activities (Heading 2 – Direct Costs for the Acquisition of Goods and Services) included certified training entities, an ICT specialist entity, an academic entity with expertise in evaluation and research, specialists in audiovisuals, communication, design and branding, translators, an outdoor welcoming event and integration and presentation of the project to the team, accommodation and travel, space rental and licensing fees (to hold indoor and outdoor events), rental of a mobile service station minibus.

Also included in Heading 2 were the Purchase of Materials to be integrated in the MAP Platform, Assessements, Miscellaneous Equipment (computers, multifunctional printers, furniture, audiovisuals, mobile phones, monitors, software, licences, hotspots, sound equipment, etc.), stands for fairs and advertising materials (gifts, leaflets, posters, magazines, roll ups, brochures, among others).

In relation to General Expenses (Heading 3 – General Expenses), the expenses of communications, water, electricity and internet, accommodation, maintenance and assistance to the MAP Platform, support to the project’s design, as well as space leases and/or office rents were included.

  • 2.1 Introduction

    During Phase I of the Capacity-building Project, Offices with Social Economy Service Hubs were created, which in Phase II will be the pillars of all the activities under this project, as well as the Portuguese Confederation of Culture, Recreation and Sports Associations – CPCCRD.

    It is up to the Offices to interact with the Affiliates (about 4.000 Associations) and the CPCCRD structures, namely, the respective governing bodies, Federations, District and County Associations and LINK Associations, which not being a decentralized structure, in the absence of a council association, exercise the role of CPCCRD representatives in their councils (universe of 450 Leaders).

    Specific functions of employees at Offices with Service Hubs:

    1. Attendance of Affiliates and non-Affiliates in relevant areas.
    2. The promotion of contact and the increase of partnerships with local entities in the various sectors.
    3. The coordination of the timing and participation in the actions with the various strategic stakeholders.
    4. The continuous updating of Affiliates and Officers databases.
    5. Support for Managers in the completion of documents to be submitted to POISE (timesheets), models for presenting expenses to be reimbursed.
    6. The use of the new work tools created within the scope of the project, in this specific case, the MAP Platform, participating actively in the development of the respective functionalities.
    7. The dissemination of Portugal 2020 initiatives (informing about the calls for new applications and providing advice on their preparation).
    8. Negotiation of partnerships and exchanges to increase the visibility of the CPCCRD (local radio stations, regional press, organisers of professional fairs, etc.).
    9. The establishment of close networks and promotion of work with Affiliates and other Social Economy Associations.

    Given the pertinence and the respective potential, in Phase II the Offices as Social Economy Service Hub will be reinforced in terms of human and also technological resources, starting to operate full time, from Monday to Friday and covering the national mainland. In total 5 Offices with Service Hubs, 1 in the North, 2 in the Centre (coast and interior), 1 in Lisbon and 1 in the South.

    The creation of jobs and the increase of proximity to the Structures, CPCCRD members and populations are, in fact, two of the distinguishing factors of the Offices’ activity.

    Office space may be leased or rented. The headquarters of the CPCCRD (Lisbon) will continue to operate the Coordination Office with a service hub.

    2.2 Human and Physical Resources at the Offices

    At the Coordination Office:

    1. 1 Project Coordinator, Elected Voluntary Associative Leader – DAVE, current Chairperson of the CPCCRD.
    2. Up to 3 DAVEs Office Coordinators.
    3. 1 Project manager, certified trainer, with training in social and human sciences and/or law and a driving licence. Worker(s) to be hired under the project, full-time on a fixed-term basis. Average allocation for the project – 100%
    4. 1 administrative technician, trained in accounting, to support all tasks inherent to the financial area (treasury, accounting and management). Average allocation for the project – 90%
    5. 1 Administrative technician responsible for coordinating the activities of the various areas (training, meetings, organisation of events, etc.) and support to the Offices, CPCCRD employee with a permanent full-time contract. Average allocation to project – 57%
    6. 1 Administrative technician responsible for the general attendance of CPCCRD, suppliers, etc., as well as the Offices, CPCCRD employee with permanent full-time contract. Average allocation to project – 57%

    At the Northern Office Service Hub:

    1. Up to 5 DAVEs Coordinators.
    2. 1 Technician (certified trainer), trained in the area of social and/or legal sciences and with a driving licence, to be hired within the scope of the project, on a full time fixed term basis.
    3. 1 Administrative technician, to be hired on a full-time fixed-term contract.

    In the central interior, central and southern Service Hub Offices (by Office):

    1. Up to 5 DAVEs Coordinators.
    2. 1 Technician (certified trainer), trained in the area of social and/or legal sciences and with a driving licence, to be hired within the scope of the project, on a full time fixed term basis.

    Accounting and legal services will also be contracted to support all the Offices.

    As far as equipment is concerned, to acquire for the coordination office:

    1. Desks, chairs, drawers and cupboard units.
    2. 1 Video projector.
    3. 6 Laptops.
    4. 6 Microsoft Licences.
    5. 1 Digital camera.
    6. 1 Memory Card.
    7. 1 Portable electric projection screen.
    8. 4 Android mobile phones.
    9. 1 Sound system with 2 wireless microphones.

    In addition, 1 multifunctional printer will be rented, with consumables and the number of black and colour copies included.

    For the Northern Office:

    1. Desks, chairs, drawers and cupboard units.
    2. 1 Video projector.
    3. 2 Laptops.
    4. 2 Microsoft Licences.
    5. 2 Android mobile phones.
    6. Internet connection.

    One multifunctional printer will also be rented, with consumables and the number of black and colour copies included.

    For the Central Interior, Central and Southern Offices, there will be the following provision per Office:

    Desks, chairs, drawers and cupboard units.

    1. 1 Video projector.
    2. 2 Laptops.
    3. 2 Microsoft Licences.
    4. 2 Android mobile phones.
    5. Internet connection.

    All the Offices will have their own budget for their day-to-day functioning and the acquisition of consumables.

    An outdoor event is planned to welcome and integrate the Project Team and to present the Project in general, with the following features:

    Outdoor Event for the Welcoming and Integration of the Project Team – DAVEs, Technicians, Administrative Staff and other Strategic Stakeholders – “A CULTURA CPCCRD SOMOS SÓS” (CPCCRD CULTURE IS US)

    OUTDOOR training to develop a new Project Management culture aligned with the CPCCRD Strategy.

    Outdoor tests and exercises, with collective reflection and debriefing in a relaxed environment (room) for the intervention team, aimed at:

    1. Adhering to the CPCCRD Capacity-building project, taking an active role in facilitating the work and committed to delivering the results
    2. Developing a new management culture in line with CPCCRD strategy
    3. Understanding the implications of the new culture in terms of values, behavioural norms, work priorities and communication procedures
    4. Contributing to the construction of a true team spirit and, simultaneously, of teamworking routines
    5. Providing a unique experience of conviviality and sharing
    6. Achieving commitment and focus on the outcomes that the CPCCRD strives for.

    2 days at the start of the project (single event) March 2018

    Project team and guests (strategic stakeholders who will be service providers, suppliers and partners) up to a maximum of 50 people in total.

    In Phase I of the Capacity-building Project a technology platform was created and implemented. Its aim is to serve the Popular Associations Movement (MAP). This versatile working tool, which has been named MAP Platform, allows the suppport of the CPCCRD and the Service Hub Offices activity. The incorporation of Structures (Federations, County Associations and LINK Associations) and Affiliates of the CPCCRD to the MAP Platform is in the expansion phase.

    About MAP Platform:

    1. It is innovative because it is prepared by recent technological features that facilitate, for example, administrative modernisation and dematerialisation.
    2. Enables reliable networking.
    3. It promotes sustainability because it reduces the execution times of the tasks of the CPCCRD and the Offices and makes processes and communication more effective and efficient.
    4. It is a tool for sharing actions with Affiliates and the general public.
    5. It is synonymous of proximity, because through its reserved areas it creates spaces of work, sharing and experience for the various participants among themselves, in the case of the Offices, with the CPCCRD; of the Structures with the CPCCRD and the Offices; of the CPCCRD with its counterparts in Europe and in the world.

    The MAP Platform is intended to be the main working tool of the Offices, facilitating and modernising processes that translate into good practices and create value.

    The Offices cover mainland Portugal, are fully equipped and are connected to CPCCRD headquarters 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. An Affiliate from Vila Flor or Vila Real de Santo António has the same service potential at its Office and/or via the MAP Platform as one located in Lisbon.

    In Phase II of the Capacity-building Project new developments of the aforementioned Platform are foreseen, which will be described in detail in the respective activity.

    As already briefly mentioned, the Offices with Social Economy Hubs will develop and implement all the activities of Phase II of the Capacity-building Project, hence the need to carry out a careful recruitment process regarding the new workers to be hired.

    To this end, a rigorous selection and recruitment process will be carried out, which may involve the intervention of external experts. Internally, a jury will be constituted for this process.

    In order for the workers of the various Social Economy Hubs to be able to carry out the activities foreseen in Phase II of the Capacity Building Project with a high rate of success, they will be provided with a specific training programme. Participation in the various action-learning events that are part of the programme is compulsory.

    Regarding the DAVEs Coordinators of the Offices with Social Economy Hubs, in each Action-learning, at least 1 of each Office will have to participate. Note, it may not always be the same DAVE present at every action-learning.

    At the beginning/launch of Phase II a welcome and integration action for the team and presentation of the project will take place. This initiative aims at welcoming, integrating, presenting, raising awareness and involving, empowering, all the intervening parties in this Phase of the project, namely:

    1. DAVEs;
    2. CPCCRD worker(s);
    3. Worker(s) contracted under the project;
    4. Strategic stakeholders (Training companies, company responsible for the development of the technological platform and the entity responsible for the impact assessment of the project and the final study).

    The role/intervention of the Offices in the various activities that make up this Phase II of the Capacity-Building project will be described in detail under the respective headings.

    Offices Materials (evidence)

    1. Employment contracts.
    2. Exhaustive justification of the assignment of CPCCRD workers to the Project.
    3. Monthly Timesheets of DAVEs
    4. Timesheets of all workers involved in the Project.
    5. Service provider contracts.
    6. Checklists of service providers.
    7. Terms of reference.
    8. Consultation processes for contracting.
    9. Office space rental and/or lease contracts.
    10. Half-yearly reports (July and January), prepared by the external entity that will carry out project monitoring and impact assessment.
    11. Half-yearly internal reports (December and July) resulting from monitoring and evaluation by the Governing Bodies and CPCCRD Structures.
    12. Photographs (of the team and the events held).
    13. Documentation relating to equipment (purchases, rentals, monthly fees, relevant tenders).
    14. The documentation (mileage charts, invoices/receipts, etc.), related to travel, meals and stay-overs of the DAVEs and technicians involved in the various activities.
    15. Summaries of meetings and workshops with strategic stakeholders.
    16. Signed attendance sheets of meetings and workshops with strategic stakeholders.

    Start of Activity: January 2018

    End of Activity: December 2020

  • In Phase I several actions and workshops were developed within the scope of the Project’s objectives, particularly with the associated Structures. But these have proved to be insufficient, so in this phase we will invest heavily in regular communication (we plan to hire an individual or collective entity to support this work), through digital media, with the publication of magazines, and in physical support, about the project and relating to its objectives, such as the dissemination of good practice, studies, etc.

    There will be regular events every four months for the analysis and involvement of the National Council Leaders in the project and the campaign “Associativismo Vai Dar a Volta a Portugal” (“Associations On Tour in Portugal) will be carried out in 2019 and 2020, which will promote the Associations from North to South, creating a culture of proximity and dissemination of the role of the CPCCRD and the main issues related to Associations, motivating and supporting the Capacity-building of Leaders and getting more Associations to join the CPCCRD network.  

    Due to the importance of the MAP Platform in the project, its functionalities must be disseminated and used not only by the project team, but also by the Structures and other Affiliates, according to the permissions for each user group. A number of events are planned to take place between 2018 and 2020. And at the end of the Project in 2020, integrated in the PORTUGAL SOCIAL ECONOMY Fair, CPCCRD will have a stand and will hold a final Congress on the Project, with the participation of several Strategic Stakeholders and other guests.

    This activity includes the following actions:

    3.1 Actions to promote and inform about networking

    3.2 Actions for Project Presentation, Analysis and Evaluation

    3.3 Associations On Tour in Portugal

    3.4 MAP Platform Presentation and Dissemination Events

    3.5 Closing Congress of the Capacity Building Project Phase II (PORTUGAL SOCIAL ECONOMY FAIR)

    Start of Activity: January 2018

    End of Activity: December 2020

    3.1 – Actions to promote and inform about networking

    The creation of promotional material about the project, networking and good practice is a way to contribute in a positive and innovative way to the development of Associations, stimulating the participation of different Associations. To this end, this action provides for:

    1. Regular online (monthly) newsletter with information on the project and networking among affiliates, examples of good practice and promotion of their improvement. The media will be produced online and on paper.
    2. Publication of 3 annual magazines (2018, 2019 and 2020), which will include themes on the project with a view to:
    1. The dissemination of activities to CPCCRD Affiliates.
    2. The dissemination of good practice and experience.
    3. The promotion of networking and the knowledge produced on the MAP by the Social Economy.
    4. The incentive for active participation in the project in its various aspects.

     These magazines are a fundamental instrument for the Capacity-building of Managers and technical experts and are an essential contribution for the dissemination of the Capacity-building project and the sharing of content between Social Economy organisations.

     Objectives of these supports:

    1. Inform Structures and Affiliates about Phase II of the project and its activities.
    2. Stimulate the participation of Affiliates in Capacity-building.
    3. Promote networking.
    4. Present innovative processes, methods and practices.
    5. Disseminate good practice in Associations.
    6. Highlight the importance of the work of the Leaders, the need for capacity-building and the results of the investment in Training
    7. Highlighting the importance of the role of women’s participation in the governing bodies of the Associations

    It is intended that, in addition to the Offices´ and Structures´ involvement, there will be the participation of Affiliates in these documents. There will be specific headings on innovation, modernisation and sustainability of Associations, highlighting examples and proposals for good practice. The MAP Platform will serve as a basis for the development of networking in the scope of these actions, without prejudice to the physical printing of the journals, and other dissemination/information materials.

    Thus, these actions resulting in the above-mentioned supports will be fundamental in Phase II of the

    Project. As well as being evidence of the activities carried out and their results, they will stimulate and highlight the best of Association activity and will also have an informative character.

    We intend to continue the work of Phase I, but with more innovation and an increase of participation, creating an online newsletter and reorganising the magazines to a format and with rubrics that promote more networking and involvement by the Structures and Leaders.


    These documents will be available on the MAP Platform for all Associations and the general public, enhancing the knowledge in society about the importance of the role of Associations with a potential for dissemination to all Associations and partners.

    3.2 Actions for Project Presentation, Analysis and Evaluation

    The regular and motivated involvement of the leaders of the CPCCRD and its structures and the National Council, as well as the participation of the project team is essential to achieve its objectives and for the effects of the project, the changes, to produce results. To this end, for Phase II it was considered very important to set regular meetings to promote participation in the project, its analysis and evaluation and for everyone to feel the project as their own, with responsibilities and commitment to the Capacity-building objectives.

    In Phase II of the Capacity-building Project, its monitoring, analysis and evaluation will also be carried out by the various Governing Bodies, Structures and other working groups of the CPCCRD that may be set up. To this end, the following agendas were created:

    1. Monthly, from March 2018 until 31 December 2020 – Intra-office working sessions (via the MAP Platform, webinar or hangout), with the participation of all workers and at least one DAVE Coordinator from each office.
    2. Also monthly, from January 2018 to December 31, 2020 – Meetings of the National Management of the CPCCRD to resolve situations related to the project activities and prepare analyses and feedback.
    3. Every four months, from March 2018 to 31 December 2020, in March, July and January – Work sessions in which the Coordinator and Project Manager present a report on the project’s activities to the CPCCRD‘s Governing Bodies and Structures. The Reports will include internal analysis and evaluation of the Capacity Building project.

    The four-monthly workshops will also aim to raise awareness among DAVEs and technical experts to exchange experiences and knowledge, analyse and increase good practices, and disseminate results by Social Economy organisations.

    From this work will result a CPCCRD Manual of Good Practices, which will be disseminated by its Structures and Affiliates, as well as in Social Economy bodies. The Handbook will be made available in a digital version on the MAP Platform.

    All strategic stakeholders will be invited to participate, including the entity responsible for the preparation of the Project Appraisal and Project Study.

    Given the large number of participants, the meetings every four months will require the rental of rooms and equipment, as well as the production of promotional materials and materials for the events.

    The events and all materials arising from them, will be made available on the CPCCRD Portal.

    Evidence / Materials:

    1. CPCCRD Good Practice Manual
    2. Work session summaries and monthly activity report.
    3. Minutes of the meetings of the National Direction of the Opinions and analyses that are issued.
    4. Attendance sheets, minutes, reports, presentations, communications and photographs.
    5. The events and all materials resulting from them, which will be inserted in the Portal

    3.3. Associations On Tour in Portugal

    To promote a culture of proximity, of participation, and to publicise the Association Movement, the importance of Leadership Training and the Project’s objectives, this Road Show-type activity is planned, which will include 5 major itineraries for The Associations On Tour in Portugal.

    In Phase I of the project, the holding of workshops outside the usual large centres resulted in very positive results. Reaching out to association members brought greater involvement in the various initiatives and proved to be the way forward to overcome distance and facilitate the processes of communication. This is because, although all initiatives are publicised by email, these communications are not always received, sometimes due to technical failures, other times due to still inefficient practices that need to be addressed as soon as possible.

     With this activity, the Association movement reaches out to communities, presents itself, engages in dialogue, clarifies, promotes voluntary Association movements, shares its resources and disseminates good practice. In doing so, the initiatives of Portugal 2020 are also made known, namely through the advisory service for the preparation of applications provided by the Offices with Service Hubs.

    Over and above having 5 doors open to Social Economy, this activity putsAssociations On Tour in Portugal. It will train, inform and transform to make the positive change that Portugal’s largest Movement has long identified as crucial to its better performance with association members and the population in general.

    All the DAVE Coordinators and the Offices staff will be involved in this activity. Members of the Governing Bodies and Structures will also be invited to participate in the various activities.

    How does it work?

    The DAVE Coordinators at the Offices are mentors of the activity “Associations On Tour in Portugal” for the various areas at each service hub. The DAVE mentor(s) will be present at the activities and may be accompanied by a committee and even guests linked to Social Economy, members of the CPCCRD Governing Bodies, strategic partners and stakeholders, etc.

    Routes will be determined according to the geographical area of the various Offices with Service Hubs.

    There is a fully equipped and decorated minibus that will be used to transport the DAVE Coordinators and Offices staff. This minibus will be a mobile service station for the Social Economy during its stay in the various locations forming part of the 5 Offices´ routes. In other words, during the time it is in each location, the minibus will service the local Associations and their Directors, the main recipients.

    In a previously agreed time and place and in partnership with local entities Associations and/or local authorities, etc., meetings of about 3 hours will be held to discuss topics related to the MAP and Social Economy in the places visited by the Association Tour, with emphasis on the following topics:

    1. The Training of Volunteer Leaders – The importance of their Training in the Future of Associations.
    2. Creating Value Models in Associations – Sustainability.
    3. Social Economy – Volunteering and the Value of Engagement.
    4. Renewal and Continuity of the Association Movement.
    5. DAVEs and active ageing. Geriatria Associativa Preventiva (Geriatric Preventative Care Association) (GERAP).


    This action also aims to develop a culture of learning and sharing of knowledge among the Managers, so that they become aware of their role as an example to follow in terms of leadership. 

    This activity will be widely followed and disseminated on the MAP Platform and social networks (Facebook and Instagram). Dialogue and interaction between the various stakeholders will be strongly stimulated, especially through the creation of forums to pose questions for later discussion in person and, whenever possible, also by digital means.

    Associations On Tour in Portugal is one of the activities of Phase II of the Capacity-building Project that is notable for its clear contribution to the culture of proximity, dissemination and sharing of good practices. It is an innovative activity, because it brings to its associates not only its DAVEs, but also its own services by virtue of its technicians. Finally, it contributes to the creation of value of the institution and of Social Economy, because by divulging its services it guarantees more and new sources of income.

    Implementation: spring 2019 and spring 2020 (about 90 days each year)

    Start of work: September 2018

    Local organisation: by the 5 Offices with Social Economy Service Hubs.

    Number of Association Tours – 5 (roadmaps).That is, one tour per Office/year.

    Promotional materials: leaflets, posters, roll-ups, MAP brochure, calendar of actions for Capacity-building for Managers, signs to identify panellists, participant identification badges, advertising gifts.

    Equipment: two microphones and wireless VHF transmitter system (for amplification of sound); laptop computers, projection screen and video projector.

    Evidence/ Materials:

    1. Tour Agenda;
    2. Lists of registrants;
    3. Attendance sheets;
    4. Brochure;
    5. Photographs;
    6. Publication on the MAP Platform and on the social networks Facebook and Instagram;
    7. Attendance sheets;
    8. Media clippings

     3.4 MAP Platform Presentation and Dissemination Events

    The MAP Platform, being a structural product that has already emerged from Phase I with new Tools and the APP, justifies and needs wide dissemination and information. For this reason, information sessions are planned for the presentation, clarification and dissemination of the MAP Platform and its functionalities. There will be presentations and videos on it and its use. These materials will be made available on the MAP Platform.

    Specific sessions will be held for the Project team, with a strong focus on the benefits of its use and clarification of their main doubts and resistance to the advantages of using the MAP Platform. There will also be sessions for CPCCRD Officers and Structures.

    For the project team, a total of 5 sessions will be held, 1 per Office, each session will last 6 hours.

    For Managers, there will be 3 sessions of 3 hours each per year, for a total of 9 sessions.

    Start of Activity – 01.05.2018

    End of Activity – 30.09.2020

    1. Materials used.
    2. Attendance lists.
    4. Mileage Charts.

    3.5 Portugal Social Economy Fair – Closing Congress Phase II (2020)

    PORTUGAL SOCIAL ECONOMY Fair – Years 2018, 2019 and 2020 (Congress)

    During Phase II of the Capacity Building Project the CPCCRD, through its 5 Offices with Service Hubs, will be present at the various activity sectors´ Fairs. These participations aim to increase the visibility of the CPCCRD and the Association Movement.

    In this context and to promote what will happen in the last month of the current Phase of the ongoing project, November 2017, CPCCRD will have a constant presence at the PORTUGAL SOCIAL ECONOMY Fair. This Fair is annual and is held in the months of November, at Parque das Nações in Lisbon.

    CPCCRD´s participation will consist of a stand, which will operate during the full timetable of the Social Economy Portugal Fair, as an Office with a Social Economy service hub. That is, the presence of CPCCRD at these mega events will always be entirely dedicated to the promotion and dissemination of the activities of the Capacity-building Project.

    At the stand/office with a service hub, there will be CPCCRD workers and DAVEs fully available and prepared to receive Associations, social entrepreneurs, private companies, the public sector and the general public.

    This initiative of the CPCCRD follows the strategic lines resulting from the National Congress of the Associations Movement held in 2015 and the National Congress of the Social Economy 2017, which pointed to a new association model where partnerships, informal but systematic cooperation and joint action prevail in aspects that none of the parts will achieve if they do not take into account the association movement as a whole.

    Promoting the development of and interaction between Associations in Portugal and in all countries that will participate in the PORTUGAL SOCIAL ECONOMY Fair, the CPCCRD believes that this will be the perfect occasion to create opportunities and present to society the important work developed by the Portuguese Associations.

    In 2020, besides the stand, it is the CPCCRD ‘s intention to organise a Congress, once again open to all sectors, in which the impacts of the Capacity-building Project Phase II will be presented and themes of Associations will be discussed.

    Several guests from the most varied sectors will take part in this congress. This will be the activity that will bring to a close Phase II of the Capacity-building Project and the presentation of the plan for Phase III 2021/2022.

    Start of Activity – November 2018

    End of Activity – November 2020

    Evidence, some of which will also be made available on the MAP Platform:

    1. Programme and application procedures
    2. Workers and DAVEs attendance sheets
    3. Photographs
    4. Registration of Congress participants
    5. List of Congress Invited Guests
  • 4.1. Scope and objectives

    The starting point of the Capacity-Building Phase II Project Evaluation and Study will necessarily be the end point of the Phase I Evaluation and Study.

    In Phase I several impact indicators were created (characterisation, financial and level of achievement of the activities), which will be taken up again in Phase II, in order to understand and evaluate which changes have been produced: those initially foreseen and those not foreseen.

    Being holistic, the Project Impact Assessment covers all collateral effects (specific and global) of the planning and implementation of the programme and is not limited to the analysis of the initially defined objectives.

    The monitoring of Phase I of the project, with two evaluation reports already produced and delivered, made it possible to extract information to improve the effectiveness of the activities that make up the programme, as well as their strategic reorientation.

    Thus, at this point, it is already possible to perceive some differences between what was initially planned and the results obtained, as well as the levels of achievement of the activities achieved compared to those desired.

    In Phase II, the Project Impact Assessment schedule will continue to be biannual (July 2018; January 2019; July 2019; January 2020 and July 2020). The latter report will be integrated into the Project Impact Assessment Study.

    The Impact Assessment of the Project, in this Phase II, will also be carried out by an external entity from the academic environment and it will be the same entity that will carry out the Final Study of the Project.

    The Final Study will be published on the MAP Platform and in a physical medium, which may be exclusive (CPCCRD Version).

    The objective of this stage of the programme is to evaluate the impact that the activities developed have had on the capacity-building process of the target public. Thus, evaluation will be conceived as a process aimed at identifying the levels of implementation and the outcomes/impacts of the programme on Institutional Capacity-building of the CPCCRD.

    The specific objectives of the evaluation are multiple, highlighting:

    1. Monitoring the implementation of the programme, particularly the conditions in which it takes place, the dynamics created, the difficulties and obstacles encountered.
    2. Contribution to quality assurance in project execution.
    3. To analyse, understand and compare the implementation and results of the activities developed in the project.
    4. Identify good practices for the Social Economy that can be replicated and disseminated.
    5. To increase the knowledge of the Social Economy actors in Portugal.

    Start of Activity: January 2018

    End of Activity: December 2020

    4.2. General Methodology

    It is scheduled:

    1. Intermediate evaluation.
    2. Final project evaluation.

     The mid-term assessment occasions are: July 2018; January 2019 and July 2019; January and July 2020.

    The observation and information-gathering process to be carried out throughout the various stages of the project includes: document analysis; participant observation, interviews (individual and group); questionnaires, among others. From the respective analysis and by comparing the results obtained with those expected and unexpected, the continuity and/or reorientation of future actions to be developed will follow.

    4.3. Achievement Indicators

    Indicators of achievement of activities and respective concluded actions, to be extracted from the respective evidence and others that may be created for their analysis.

    4.4. Targets and Result Indicators

    1. Operation of 5 support offices: A questionnaire was given to employees and Managers, with 75% of them responding positively to the reinforcement of their organisational Capacity- Building.
    2. Presentation, awareness raising, sharing, promotion and information A questionnaire was given to leaders, with 75% of them responding positively to the exchange of experience, networking and good practice in Social Economy organisations and their impact on inclusion and development.
    3. MAP Platform – Innovation and Modernisation; Sustainability and Innovation through Fundraising and In-kind Donation and Social Economy Agenda. Extraction of Reports on Access to the Tools and Actions on the Platform. Application of a questionnaire with 75% positive responses as to their usefulness.
    4. Creation and operation of the International Community of People’s Association Movement (CIMAP). Exploratory interviews and a questionnaire with 75% positive responses regarding the importance and contribution to networking and exchange of experience.
    5. Formative interventions of Action-learning. A questionnaire was given to 70% of trainees and 75% of them responded positively regarding the improvement of their skills.

    4.5. Study

    The Study will be conducted by an academic entity, which will present to the CPCCRD the methodologies and techniques to be applied.

    The Study will be carried out on the basis of the analyses and reports arising from the various stages of the evaluation and the application of the methods and techniques chosen. It will include the characterisation of the CPCCRD, its Governing Bodies and Structures, as well as changes arising and arisen during the process of Capacity Building in Phase II, particularly the membership of Young People and Women.

    At the same time, it will contribute to the dissemination of good practice in the association movement and for Social Economy entities.

  • The MAP Platform is the key instrument to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the work of the CPCCRD and the Offices, supporting networking, information dissemination, distance training and payments.

     In Phase I of the project the various functionalities mentioned above were implemented. The Portal was remodelled in terms of layout to make it accessible by mobile devices.

    In Phase II beyond the consolidation and generalisation of the use of the MAP Platform by all its users, especially by the Offices and their new users, creating routines of use and making the parameterisation necessary for those routines, new innovative functionalities are foreseen to increase the sustainability of the CPCCRD, supporting the needs of its Affiliates and creating a collective agenda.

    Creation of a crowdfunding tool that allows the dissemination of fundraising/funding actions of CPCCRD Affiliates and supports their sustainability. The actions created will be visible to everyone. These functionalities are based on the structure of the MAP Platform.

    This will be an innovative service from CPCCRD for its Affiliates (access by login), which helps them in fundraising/financing, in a visible, simple and transparent way, while increasing their sustainability, as for each transaction there will be a small payment to CPCCRD for the service. The collection can be in cash, in kind or even in voluntary work. The operating rules will be very clear so that everyone knows what happens with the money/in-kind donated, with the entities that use this system being obliged to prove and disclose the results of the fundraising/financing.

    This service, besides promoting networks and cooperation with different Associations, because it publicises their projects, in a public way and any Association can disclose it to its members, supporting this project, independently of its location.

    The Agenda is also fundamental, for Associations and the general public. The current MAP Platform already has an agenda, but it is intended to create a new, simplified interface for the Associations to introduce events, with the possibility of notices and making it appealing for citizens in general, through an APP access. The Associations Agenda is created, allowing the Associations themselves to have an idea of what is planned for each date, being able to add resources/parties, or, depending on what is scheduled, change event dates. This service is for CPCCRD Affiliates, via login, and simple rules and deadlines will be set for its use. The Agenda will be linked to the common reserved area of the Affiliates so that they can exchange some ideas and deadlines, and thus not waste resources, namely by sharing volunteer work, supplies, materials or equipment. Thus, an APP product will be created with these functionalities that will simplify access and be useable via mobile devices.

    This activity has an immense potential for dissemination because the dissemination through new technologies is exponential and services like these for the Associations have many advantages, so it is expected that its dissemination quickly and widely exceed the channels of CPCCRD and through social networks its visibility and use is increasing.

    One of the main advantages of this tool is the connection of the CPCCRD to its Affiliates promoting a culture of proximity. The CPCCRD wishes to make itself known to an ever increasing number of Associations, because its Affiliates, despite being in a high number, about 4000, there is real potential for growth, given that in Portugal there are about 30 000 Associations. The greater the number of affiliated Associations, the greater the potential for networking and sharing of resources, knowledge, finances, etc.

    Especially in what concerns fundraising/financing there are already several platforms for that purpose, but this one besides being personalized and specific for the MAP, supports its sustainability, allowing CPCCRD to manage the inserted actions, receiving a fee for the service.



    1. Create new sources of revenue/financing for the CPCCRD.
    2. Support fundraising and in-kind donation in a transparent manner.
    3. Promote Association movement events.
    4. Give visibility to the Associations movement.
    5. Promote the sharing of resources.
    6. Broaden the geographical scope of events and projects communication.

    It is intended to use as a basis the current payment system of the MAP Platform, for Affiliates ‘ fees and from there build the fundraising interface, increase the agenda area and create the APP to access these functionalities.

    In the case of crowdfunding (fundraising), it arrived in Portugal in 2011 and to date has raised over 1.2 million euros, according to the social laboratory document available at

    Whether it is to be used for donations for a particular purpose or to participate in an event, this system allows you to reach more people. The geographical scope of donors may extend well beyond the area of the collectivity launching the project. Anyone can share the link and donations are made in half a dozen clicks. It is very clear what that campaign or action is for, and anyone can access the full amount.

    The digital fundraising/financing service, available to all CPCCRD Affiliates where a small amount remains to pay for the service, could become a relevant source of income

    An Agenda available to all citizens is an added value for society and, of course, for the Associations, because the greater its visibility, the greater the potential for visitors or participants, increasing the sustainability of the Associations and the dissemination of their work. This is intended to become the country’s MAP Agenda.

    The work of the Offices in disseminating these functionalities will be very relevant and fundamental to their success. Also in the presentation, analysis and discussion sessions of the project activities, in the Associations Tour, the functionalities of the MAP Platform will be mentioned.

    Evidence: Access to the Platform, fundraising area (with the projects carried out – at least 6 are expected in this Phase) and the Agenda. With the possibility of installing the APP for the various functionalities of the MAP Platform.

    Start of Activity: January 2018

    End of Activity: December 2020

  • Creation of an Iberian/international structure in an online space, such as a Meeting Point, which encourages partnerships, networking, for events and/or to bid jointly for transnational applications.

    With globalisation, knowledge sharing is now just a click away. The Associations reflect culture and traditions and are a recreational space for the people to meet. The creation of networks, exchange of information, knowledge and good practice with similar organisations in other countries has several benefits:

    1. Direct access to specific information and good practice from Associations in other countries.
    2. To enhance and share the use of organisations´ resources in various countries.
    3. Create innovative and/or sustainable activities that benefit the populations that the Associations serve.
    4. Promote studies and joint projects for a greater knowledge of the Social Economy of the countries involved.
    5. Promote events and scientific meetings of international scope.
    6. Stimulate and support partnerships with organisations in other countries to develop the Social Economy.

    In Phase I the CIMAP will be European (until 2020) and may then become global.

    In order to avoid the creation of a heavy structure with high fixed costs, in this phase, CIMAP will operate online, and the founding entities were the CPCCRD and the Spanish Federation of Folklore Groups – FEAF. The basic tool will be the MAP Platform, in an autonomous area with reserved access.

    The creation of this community will involve the translation of the main Portal contents into Spanish, English and French.



    1. Access to the Founders’ Agreement.
    2. Open access and participation in the CIMAP Space.
    4. Attendance sheets/virtual registers.
    5. Summary of virtual and face-to-face working sessions.

    Start of Activity: September 2018

    End of Activity: December 2020

7.1 Framework

Despite the investment and the use of New Technologies in CPCCRD activity, especially in Phase I, there are still several procedures that can improve it and make it more efficient.
The CPCCRD is an entity with thousands of affiliates, around 4000, and with a high potential for growth. It is therefore imperative to empower it with simple, de-bureaucratised and dematerialised administrative procedures. The Organisation receives dozens of written correspondences, emails, etc. every day that are circulated manually. In addition, it regularly concludes protocols and produces internal orders, for the Structures and for the Affiliates.
The aim is to put in place a Correspondence/Documents Management tool, integrated in the MAP Platform. The correspondence or documents are scanned, if written, and forwarded to the respective folders, with notification to the recipients.  Workflows for the circulation information are defined and archived in a powerful and safe file manager, whose folders are only accessible to users with permissions for that purpose.

This tool will be developed based on the structure already existing in the MAP Platform, making the connection to the Offices and the workflow system. It will include Reports for quantitative analysis of the documentation, namely by type classification and dates.

This innovative tool is expected to have very positive effects on the organisation and efficiency of the CPCCRD‘s activity. In Phase I it will be used in the Coordination Office, after completing the test phase and once the practices have been incorporated it will be disseminated to the other Offices.

In the future, after 2020, it may be extended to the Structures, with a specific area for each entity being a service of the CPCCRD and in which there will be shared folders, to facilitate the dissemination of information and a culture of proximity. 


  1. Access to the Tool
  2. Reports and account of correspondence by category, date and other parameters determined in the meantime.

Start of Activity: March 2018

End of Activity: December 2020

The Training carried out in Phase I, as mentioned, had budget cuts and was reduced. Furthermore, the dynamics of the project in this phase led to the identification of specific training needs, namely in the areas of personal development (inter-relational communication, emotional intelligence, time and stress management, etc.). On the other hand, in Phase II new employees will be hired at all the Offices. Thus, Action-learning that continues to be a basic instrument for the Empowerment of individuals and organisations is fundamental to bring the project to a successful conclusion.

This Training will take place after the recruitment of the workers and will include all the staff of the 5 Offices and the DAVE Coordinators.

The Training was organised in 3 main areas/actions:

8.1 Personal Development and Communication.

8.2 Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).

8.3 Associations – Specialised Training.

Much of the Action-learning will be carried out in the 2nd quarter of 2018, after the recruitment of the team, without prejudice to the realisation of Training in 2019 and 2020 in support of applications (Technicians of the Offices).

The training will be carried out in a b-learning regime, in which 25%, on average, will be distance learning and 75% face-to-face. The MAP Platform will be the tool to be used for distance Training in the relevant area and, depending on the theme and dynamic of the action, there will be webinar Training sessions.


  1. Attendance Sheets
  2. Session summaries
  3. Technical and Pedagogical File
  4. Photographs
  5. Evaluation Questionnaires

Start of Activity: March 2018

End of Activity: October 2020


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